Friday, June 13, 2008


Bob and Susan's house in Bismarck, North Dakota...  Yesterday, my dad and I went to Hawley, MN in the morning.  It was only about a half hour drive from Fargo, ND.  I was glad that it was that short.  When we first got to Hawley, the directions that Bob had given us didn't really help us that much to get to the old Wefald House.  Since the directions weren't helping us, we stopped at the Hawley Herald.  At first, the lady at the counter didn't know what to say.  She went to the back and asked Leona Louis Anderson.  Leona knew Magnus and Verna Wefald and she knew where they lived.  We took her directions and found the original Wefald House.  After, we went to a place called the "Whistle Stop Cafe" for lunch. It wasn't half bad.  

After, we went to the Hawley Cemetery where Knud, Sarah, Emma, Olav, Walma, Magnus, and Verna Wefald are buried.  I though that it was funny that seven people from one family were buried in the same place.  We put flowers on everyone's grave.  It wasn't hard to find the graves because one is that we had directions from Bob and two that there was a big diagram saying where each grave was.  It was hard to believe how many things that Knud Wefald was involved in.  He was a mayor for Hawley, state legislator,  member of congress, and he was a executive secretary~ commission of administration and finance.  He had a busy life.  We started to drive towards Bismarck, North Dakota.

This time, the drive wasn't as short.  In fact it was ten times longer.  It took us five hours with a few stops on the way.  We headed for I-94 out of Hawley.  I have to admit that I did fall asleep.  When I woke up, I saw a sign for the World's Largest Buffalo and the National Buffalo Museum.  We got off at the Jamestown exit.  We saw the statue of the largest buffalo.  When I saw that it said that it was sixty tons, I was amazed.  After we looked at the statue for a while, we went to the National Buffalo Museum.  It didn't have the same feeling of a museum.  It had history about buffalo and everything, but there was also a viewing deck into where the buffalo roam, National Buffalo Hall of Fame, and easily 750 arrow heads.  When my dad and I were on the viewing deck, we saw a rare Albanian Buffalo Calf.  I was really excited.  Whenever we got to a place where I could take a picture, it had run away.  Then I starting to feel sad.  We hoped and into the car and headed for Bismarck.

. . . . . .

We found our way to Bob and Susan's house.  We made it just in time for dinner.  We had steak with fries and asparagus.  Everything was really good.  After dinner, we went to Fort Abraham Lincoln.  It is just outside of Bismarck.  When we got to the fort, we went to the block houses.  The block houses were really cool because you could go all of the way to the roof and stand on the roof.  We then took a trail down to the "On a Slant Indian Village."  There was a map showing how many Earth Lodges there were.  I was amazed because there was easily 100 Earth Lodges.  After, we went to General Custer's house.  It was really fancy.  Susan and I went to the soldiers barracks and looked through the window.  I wouldn't have wanted to be in the army.  We went home and went to bed.  It was an amazing day.

Come back to site in the future and read more posts.

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